FREDERICKSBURG—New Opportunities, Future Posts, And How You Can Help
First, let us
thank our 500+ followers on Facebook. We hope you will continue your support of
Inform Fredericksburg by following us on X/Twitter and Instagram under the username—informfred.
And while we will continue using Facebook, we understand our posts can get lost
within the myriad of others so we have set-up a blog—
We hope you will subscribe using popular feed readers, or send us your e-mail,
to be notified of posts, have quick access to prior posts, contact information
on city government, and of course, the opportunity to pass on your comments,
suggestions, and questions to us and others interested in the future of
We hope you
will also pass on this information to friends and family in The Burg and those
interested in transparency in city government and the city’s future. A lot is
happening that is not getting much coverage in the local press. We will
continue to try to fill that void.
To that end, we
will continue to cover Mary’s Landing and Jeremiah projects, the city’s
Comprehensive Plan review, and data centers. In the coming weeks, we will also
be posting on:
**Council plans
to eliminate the Railroad Overlay District. What will this mean for future
development around the train station? What will be the impact of the city’s
Historic District? In 2023 the City Council voted down a development project
after significant neighborhood opposition in the 400 block of Princess Anne
Street. Council discussions to date
point to higher density and building heights which would make that project
**In March 2021
the city moved away from a joint wastewater treatment plant with Spotsylvania
County. Where is the project now? Are the now two projects meeting the goals of
the original combined facility? How have the costs changed?
**The new
visitor center is nearing completion. When the sale of the old site was
approved it was on the understanding the funds from the sale would cover the
cost of the new visitor center. Did that happen? What were the details of the
city’s sale of the old visitor center to the EDA and then to the new owner?
If there are
any topics you would like to see covered, please drop us an e-mail. And again,
please get the word out about Inform Fredericksburg.
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